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After School - Sexy "Thigh" Divas Sizzles!Allkpop After School, formed in 2009 under "Happy Pledis", have continued to stun and impress fans with their powerful and sexy concepts. They have not only made a big impact in the Korean music industry, but have also joined the Halleyu Wave becoming one of the most iconic Kpop groups to sizzle in Japan. They are the first group in Korea to adopt the "Graduation System" where they would introduce new members once other members had "graduated". This system is very similar to the one used by Japanese pop group "Morning Musume". This system was seen in effect with the graduation of 1st generation members "So Young (Yoo So Young)" and "Bekah (Rebekka Kim), as well as the addition of 2nd generation "Uee", third generation "Raina", "Nana" and "Lizzy" and finally fourth generation and latest addition "E-Young". The current line consists of the following members:
In 2009, after the graduation of "Yoo So Young", new members - "Raina" and "Nana" - were admitted prior to the launch of their third single "Because of You". Soon after the successful launch, number 8th member “Lizzy” joined the family before their fourth single “Bang”. Apart from group activities, they have been involved in many side projects including: the solo music career of leader "Kahi" with her title single "Come Back, You Bad Person". The introduction of several sub groups: Orange Caramel, After School Blue and After School Red. Most notably
Orange Caramel with Their Second Mini Album Time and time again they have introduced a long string of smash hits including: "Magic Girl" (their debut song), "A-ing~<3", "Bangkok City" and "Shanghai Romance", in addition to other noteworthy songs such as "Not Yet" and a Korean/Chinese version of M2M's "The Day You Went Away". One of the key success factors of Orange Caramel is the fact that they portray a completely different image compared to the powerful and sexy image that After School is famous for. Following the wrap up for their "Shampoo" promotions, Happy Pledis excited fans with news that the group was scheduled to make a comeback with a special twist... The comeback was not as the group but rather in the form of two sub-groups "After School Red" and "After School Blue", where they would be promoting their songs "Into the Night Sky" and "Wonder Boy" respectively. Fans were given the ability to influence the member groupings for each of these sub-groups, with the finalized grouping listed below: "Red" Sub-Group: "Blue" Sub-Group: The formation of these two sub-groups had many fans jumping onto fan forums, online portals etc to express their love that they would be seeing two different sides of the group promoting simultaneously. However there were others who thought it made little sense to divide a powerful group. I have to admit that I cannot comprehend why they would want to break up the group as I would have preferred to see all eight members standing on stage together! Even though appearances in variety shows as a group has been , kept very limited, individual member activities have allowed the fans see a new side of the girls, most notably would be members - Uee, Lizzy, Nana and Kahi. Lizzy is dubbed the upcoming queen of variety and her cute and bubbly personality coupled with her quick wit has won her many fans. Her appearances in the immensely popular SBS show "Running Man", her role as "Park Soon Duk" in MBC's sitcom "All My Love", being one of the cast members in the "We Got Married" spin off show "Pit-A-Pat" where she was partnered with Lee Joon of "Mblaq" as well as her guesting of other various variety programs including: Strong Heart, Happy Together 3, King of Idols and more just got her popularity soaring!
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Sydney 2011